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A Travel guide or tourist guide provides assistance, information and cultural, historical and contemporary heritage interpretation to people on organized tours, individual clients, educational establishments, at religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest. They normally have a recognized national or regional tourist guide qualification. Tourist Guide to the places and countries with information about: maps, images, travel holiday, Hotels, Car Rental, Flights. Find travel guides and travel information from the official travel and tourism offices of over more travel destinations worldwide. Travel in style with the official World Travel Guide, the best destination guides from experts who hand pick where to stay, eat and visit plus how to get there.

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    Key West is known to be one of the most popular destinations for ecotourism, hotels in Key West are full of ecotourist all the year round. With over 70 miles of amazing coral formations, uninhabited sands spits and small islands the Dry Tortugas National Park is a vast playground for those who love nature as it is. This area provides a great selection of activities to enjoy: from catamaran sailing to kayaking or scuba diving. Referred to as The Lakes by locals the National Park is raw nature as it was thousands of years before the region was inhabited. Some tours will offer you a ride to Boca Grande Key, a beautiful uninhabited island with white sand beaches and coral patch reef. Another destination of ecotours lays in the opposite direction, northeast of Key West, to behold the beautiful mangrove backcountry.

    If you love to go with the birds and appreciate the marvels of nature from the air, Key West gives you this spectacular opportunity. You can catch up a small seaplane leaving several times a day from the airport for an exciting trip to Fort Jefferson, a fortress in the Dry Tortugas National Park built during the Civil War.

    The planes usually fly at a small altitude of about 500 feet to give the tourists a spectacular view on the rich and abundant marine life of the Keys. You'll have plenty of time to behold the amazing Marquesas Keys, a chain of small islands, as well as Quicksands, an area full underwater sand dunes, which is the exact place where the famous treasure hunter Mel Fisher found the bounty of the Spanish galleon Atocha.

    If you prefer to go by sea, the Dry Tortugas can be easily visited with a motor boat, catamaran or high-speed ferry. Maybe it's not the fastest way to reach the fortress, but it sure is an unforgettable on with all the beauties of nature just a few feet away from you. And while you're sailing, the crew will definitely have some interesting stories to tell.


    1. Goog article my friend. May I want know about Bima and sometime i want to mbojo area.

    2. ini job darimana ya mas?

    3. wah wah saya tidak tahu apa2 sama film asia.. :)

    4. wah salut deh aq ma kamu...................
      so kamu pintar bangat nulis pakai bhasa inggris...
      aq jadi sirik deh

    5. @maslalu:oke thanks very muaaaaaaccch
      @mas tony: ga tahu mas datang gitu aja dikasih sama advertiser lewat email heee :D
      @the fachia: heee
      @katobengke:duh aku juga masih gunakan jasa orang ko :)
