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    East Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has at least eleven industrial sectors pariwisata which can be a pledge to improve the welfare of the local community. Eleven of the sector, the six of them have strong relevance in the development industry, the pearl industry, restaurants, travel and tour transportation, non-star hotel, air transportation, and industrial wood carving. While the rest, star hotel, gerabah industry, exchange, cultural attractions, and guide, not yet mentioned a key sector.

    Therefore the results of research Drs Then Fathurahman, MSc, delivered through a campaign event in disertasinya doctorate at the Faculty of Business and Ekonomika UGM space in the local campus BRI Auditorium, Friday. In the dissertation, entitled "Economic Impact of Tourism Industry West Nusa Tenggara Province" is mentioned, as one of the NTB area destination (DTW) in Indonesia has increased the growth of tourist visits during the period 1999-2005, reaching an average of 5.78 percent per year .

    According promovendus, tourism has become an industry mainstay in the main foreign exchange in many countries, such as Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, Maldives, Hawaii, Tonga, Galapagos, Barbados, and the Caribbean Islands. "Therefore, the NTB tourism industry are expected to have relevance to the back of a strong sector with other economic," harapnya.

    Head Bapeda NTB said this, the development of tourism industry in NTB had a positive impact on regional income (GDP), employment, income distribution and equity community. "The impact caused the positive antarsektor in the process of production to meet demand," he said.

    The focus of research Fathurahman mention the need for support and guidance to the art and cultural attractions to be improved in an effort to structure the object escalation tourism NTB. Not only rely on natural tourism object, but can also develop arts and cultural tourism as in other areas such as Bali and Yogyakarta. Both areas have mentioned that the object of nature and cultural tourism is equally well developed. Objects of art, especially tourism and culture in NTB mentioned very much to absorb labor, but not sufficient role in the relevance and impact. "So that should be developed so that tourism can become the object at the object of nature tourism, as the role of art and culture in the DTW other," he said.

    Approved, the employment of the tourism industry in the field of entertainment and cultural attractions is quite large, ie, as many as 30 thousand workers of the entire 47-thousand employees working in various sector in NTB.

    In addition to art and cultural attractions, he added, the pearl industry is considered to need attention in order of increasing the quantity and quality of production, in addition to support in the process of trade, especially in the promotion process, for example Wisata SEO Sadau Tarakan.


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