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A Travel guide or tourist guide provides assistance, information and cultural, historical and contemporary heritage interpretation to people on organized tours, individual clients, educational establishments, at religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest. They normally have a recognized national or regional tourist guide qualification. Tourist Guide to the places and countries with information about: maps, images, travel holiday, Hotels, Car Rental, Flights. Find travel guides and travel information from the official travel and tourism offices of over more travel destinations worldwide. Travel in style with the official World Travel Guide, the best destination guides from experts who hand pick where to stay, eat and visit plus how to get there.

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    Beach Saliper Ate
    Saliper means light / tranquilizer / Microwave. Ate mean heart. In accordance with the name Saliper Ate coast means that beaches can be calm / visitors become heart. Located about 5 km towards the west of Sumbawa Besar, the location easy to reach with the land transportation (city bemo). Before developing beach tourism Saliper Ate is the only place where the community recreation Sumbawa.

    Kencana Beach
    Kencana distance of the beach about 11 km from the city of Sumbawa Besar is a beach that is quite captivating. With the form of a beach two end of the curve and the environment each have a distinctive color. Especially in the environment of the coral reef right up to the natural shape of each perforation when waves. Also available around the beach facilities such as tourist cottages with the typical form of the building Sumbawa.

    Nature tourism is on the mountain height of 450 + meters above the sea surface water, distance 17 km from the town of Sumbawa Besar. Roads that snake with sweeping hills and valleys can be easily visualized. Facilities include a swimming pool and shelter.

    This is the tourist attraction you can visit in the area of Sumbawa and tomorrow I will be posting more areas such as tourism Wisata SEO Sadau of tarakan


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