Travel here not only requires a passport, money and a good sturdy rucksack; it also requires flexibility, creativity, good humor, patience and a healthy sense of adventure. Speaking Spanish, though not a prerequisite, is undoubtedly a huge advantage, and will allow you to travel further and dig deeper than the average tourist.
Linguistic dexterity aside, Cuba remains an easy country to travel in and there are few barriers stopping you from wandering around pretty much how and as you choose. A slight loosening of the screws since Raúl Castro took office in February 2008 has allowed Cubans access to cell phones and entry into tourist hotels, meaning interaction with the locals is now simpler and often surprisingly candid.
Cuba is home to extremely pleasant citizens, exotic flora, steamy weather and an exciting nightlife. Well, if anyone wants to visit there so I suggest everyone to visit Havana which is the capital of Cuba. You can see lots of things to do over there its nightlife activities beaches and places are awesome and millions of peoples visit every year.