Avoid noise
One of the biggest obstacles in the flight sleep is noise. Whether it's a baby crying, someone coughing incessantly, or the passenger door that tells the story of their lives, it seems that there is always a disorder that makes you can not sleep. Overcome the interference by using earplugs that you take. Or better yet, use noise canceling headphones.
Choosing a seat
Of course, all seats in economy class look the same, but your position in the plane can actually be a factor in whether you will spend the flight while asleep or not. The chairs in the back of the aircraft are generally too noisy, and a bit too close to the danger zone toilet smell that bothers you. Instead, look for seats in the middle of the plane, near the wing area is usually the most stable part of the plane. The seating is close to the window would be an advantage, because you can lean on the window and not have to wake up because someone was passing.
Watch what you drink
It seems a good idea to enjoy a cup of coffee while spending time, when you are at the airport, or consumption of alcoholic beverages little to reduce your tension before flying, but you will soon regret it so knowing that you will not be able to sleep afterwards. Caffeine can stay in your body for eight hours, and will keep you awake even if you do not want it. Likewise, alcohol should be avoided, because it can cause dehydration headaches, which will be your worst enemy if you are trying to sleep.
Convenience is the key
Unless you've got a place in the first class, it is fair to say that the plane is a comfortable place. A travel pillow is probably excessive, but you'll soon love the soft backrest when you get the convenience it offers during the flight. Combine this with an eye mask to block any unwanted light beam, and wear loose-fitting clothes that make you comfortable during the flight, and you'll be asleep in no time.
For those of you who suffer from jet lag, you will know that sleep is the last thing on your mind when you experience nausea during the flight. To avoid disturbing the disease, try to take precautionary measures such as avoiding heavy meals, drink plenty of water, and breathing control techniques. If it does not work, go to your doctor for stomach sedative prior to your trip.
Hands off
There's nothing worse than trying to sleep, only to be woken up after about 10 seconds we close our eyes. Make a list in the hearts of people who may disturb your sleep and take a few steps to ensure it does not happen. If your neighbors like mengoborol, say politely that you are trying to sleep. It is also a good idea to tighten your belt over your blanket if you use it, because if not, then a flight attendant wake you may need to check whether you have used it safely.
Staying up all night
If all else fails then it is time to bring the most powerful weapon in the next flight. It may be difficult, but try to minimize (or completely avoid) sleep the night before your trip. Of course, you'll be awkward as you arrive at the airport, but you will be very tired when he was on the plane and sleep become inevitable. Depending on your flight time, you also can method as an opportunity to adjust to the time zone of your destination, which will help to prevent jet lag that disrupt your trip.
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