Sumbawa tribes who inhabit the former Sultanate of Sumbawa this region during the pre-Majapahit into the power of the Kingdom which is Samawa Sasak in Lombok, and then by subject in the center of the influence of Majapahit in Taliwang and Seran, while Islam is the period of the Kingdom of Gowa, Sulawesi to all areas Sumbawa and Lombok with Selaparang-central government initially moved in Lombok and Sumbawa to the Kingdom of the threat due to large-Gelgel Bali. After insertion of VOC (Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) into the Sultanate of Sumbawa region Gubernemen Selebes, and appropriate zoning afdeeling the Sumbawa region Karesidenan East entrance to the capital of Sumbawa in the large.
System of government described afdeeling then be divided into onderafdeeling that some administrative areas. Some of the village is divided into several environmental authority, which is onderdistrict, and some onderdistrict merged into one district at the district at this time. Merging onderdistrict does not take long and then become self onderdistrict and changes to kademungan region. Region kademungan now changed to districts who supervise some of the village.
In the old order of government, system of government in the village held by a Soguksu join assisted by some as a shop coral advisers who come from every village of the kinship group. Join also assisted by the fact as the divisor and water on agricultural land, and also assisted by a mandur that acts as a link between the interests of society with the village government.
Patterns of house-shaped groups, each group still has a kinship bond together by a village fence. Tata always adjust the location of the community with knowledge about the nerves in the implementation of the land that can only be known by Sandro or shaman. Each head of household has a responsibility to help build a custom home group members cooperate in the new work under the command can shop coral, so the concept was formulated by the name of reply or pay siru cultivated, so that group members who violate the will be excommunicated. Siru pay concept is still valid until now, especially in villages in rural areas.
Now organizations at the village level modernized into a village or villages, led by a headman or the village head who supervise several hamlets, and each village there is a group of residents joined in a harmonious community which consists of a few friendly neighbors. For executive agencies at the village level in the form of the Village Board of Representatives, while the task in fact is replaced by Water User Farmer Association (P3A).
Sumbawa is very thick with the feel of Islam, so that in life or law in each village there is a leader who called penghulu, lebe, mudum, ketib, marbot, and rura. Society Sumbawa also inherit the social layer of the Sultanate of Sumbawa is marked with the emergence of three groups, namely the noble dea or the title Datu, the two groups of independent or a relative, and three groups of ordinary people who can not free or Ulin servant. For the past have been removed since the issuance decree by Sultan Muhammad Kaharuiddin III in 1959 while serving as Head of Regional self-supporting Level II Sumbawa.