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    Conditions Satonda island which is located in the northern Region District Dompu, this condition is quite apprehensive. Conditions that are not organized into highlighting people and foreign tourists who arrive on the island is pretty beautiful. Hasim, Calabai resident, said this does not mean that there is a change in the island. "There is no change in the government Satonda Dompu on the island," he said in Dompu. The fact is also, said Hasyim, by tourists. For example, the board welcome Satonda writings on the island have been blurred. Similarly with the wooden trestle. Not to mention the conditions around the island Satonda that does not look well. "Properly related to the regulation," he said.

    Meanwhile Camat dense, Abdurahman, SSos, recognize the condition of the island at this time does not Satonda terawat. There is only a bridge to the visitors who use the sea so that ships can enter the island. "For the number of visitors we do not know exactly," he said at the Head Office dense. Difficulties in the record number of visitors, he said, because there are two crossing locations. In the Region Calabai Dompu and Bima Regency Kenanga area. "We also hope that the regulation in the area Satonda island," he said. go tourism in bima n remember Stop Dreaming Start Action for tourism regency area mbojo


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